
Chinese BBQ: Peking Duck, Anyone?

When talking about Chinese BBQ, the first thing that will come into one’s mind must be Peking Duck, one of the most savory offerings on any Asian –inspired menu. Generally speaking Peking Duck is all about the skin. The duck is processed in several steps. First the ducks are rubbed with spices, a honey or maltose mixture. Then air is pumped between the fatty skin and the flesh in order to separate the two during cooking. Thus the top layer turns out golden and intensely crisp. Then the ducks are roasted in an oven, or hung over the fire until they become brown with a rich texture and color on the outside. Eating duck is a process, too. Customers pick up a slice of duck with the help of a pair of chopsticks and dip it into the hoisin sauce, Next, it is laid on the top of a pancake along with SCALLION. Finally, the pancake is folded and eaten. What to drink? Beer, of course.
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