
A Historical Perspective Of American Cuisine and The Blend-in Of Asian Dining (6/6)

* Soy, soy, soy. Studies on the health benefits of soy are promising. Some studies suggest that populations eating diets high in soy-based foods have less breast cancer, prostate cancer, and menopausal problems. More studies need to be done, but in the meantime, soy foods are readily available in this country and can be added to your food plan easily. * Less processed foods. Asian cultures take pride in fresh food preparation, so the reliance on packaged foods is minimal. Nowadays, Asian ingredients are found in all types of restaurants; and found dried, fresh, and frozen in Asian and Western supermarkets. These reasons and others are why more stores are carrying more Asian packaged dishes and Asian ingredients, and non-Asian restaurants serving more dishes with Asian tastes. This availability creates more popularity and greater need for still more Asian ingredients alone and in Asian dishes. Confirming current marketing knowledge, a new report from Datamonitor, a market analyst, asserts that changing consumer values are continuing to influence buying behaviour. Strong opportunities for food firms will also lie in the crossover trend between health and convenience (health on-the-go), an area that clearly bears high growth potential.
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