
Home Food Safety Tips

Summer Travel Trends


  • Six out of 10 Americans plan to take one to two trips this spring and summer, and three out of 10 plan to take three to four
  • Thirty-two percent of travelers are more likely to pack food or snacks from home for their trips than a year ago
  • When traveling with children, 65 percent say they are more likely to bring food or snacks from home
  • And, nearly all (97 percent) of those driving to their vacation destinations will pack a meal for the road


Planes, Trains and Automobiles


  • Nine out of 10 Americans will travel by car this spring and summer and more than half will travel by plane
  • No matter the mode of transportation, packing for a trip also means packing food from home for many travelers this season:
    • By plane: 37 percent will bring food
    • By train: 19 percent will bring food
    • By bus: 22 percent will bring food
  • If an airline does not offer food en route, 61 percent say they’ll carry it on themselves; and 20 percent will be bringing their in-flight meal from home


Backpack and Backseat Treats


  • When packing their on-the-road picnic, travelers report most often including:
    • Sandwiches (67 percent)
    • Chips and dips (66 percent)
    • Fresh fruit or vegetables (65 percent)
    • Pre-packaged lunch with meat and cheese (28 percent)


Food Safety on the Road


  • Remember to wash hands with soap and water during food preparation, especially between tasks
  • If you can’t get to a restroom to wash your hands with soap and water, pack moist towelettes or a hand sanitizer to clean up before digging in
  • Don’t let food sit out unrefrigerated for more than two hours; in hot weather (above 90°F), the time is reduced to one hour
    • Pack food with a frozen ice pack or ice in an insulated lunch bag or cooler -- and remember to drop in a refrigerator thermometer to ensure the temperature is kept below 40°F
    • In hot weather, transport food in a cooler (packed with ice or ice packs) in the back seat of an air-conditioned car instead of the trunk
    • If you don’t have access to a cooler, try packing frozen juice boxes or bottles of water for a hydrating refresher that will also help keep other foods around them cool
  • If you plan to cook family favorites like hamburgers, hotdogs or chicken breasts at home to take with on your trip, remember to cook to proper temperatures: hamburgers (at least 160°F), hot dogs (reheated to 160°F), and chicken (170°F)
  • Consider packing easy-to-transport, shelf-stable foods: single-serve boxes of cereal, trail mix, popcorn, single-serve applesauce, cans of tuna peanut butter sandwiches, fresh fruit, carrots or celery
  • Don’t forget that carry-out and fast-food are also susceptible to food poisoning
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