
A Serving of Asparagus a Day

Asparagus is a very healthy vegetable that can be used in a vast array of Chinese dishes. A part of both Eastern and Western cuisine, asparagus can make a good plate great and is loaded with vitamins and minerals including over 10% of an average person’s daily nutritional need for thiamine, iron, and folate. Recently the healthy dining trend has put a spotlight on how Chinese dishes are prepared and also what ingredients are inside. To many, asparagus is the perfect vegetable in which to strengthen a restaurant’s menu as its health benefits are appealing to both sexes.

This nutritious vegetable can be used to help treat depression and has also been proven to be good for the heart. Containing a high amount of antioxidants, those who eat asparagus regularly live longer and are healthier. Scientific research has shown that asparagus contains the highest amount of antioxidant glutathione in any vegetable. This antioxidant is a cancer fighter and also works to detoxify the body. When in the body, glutathione binds to fat-soluble toxins which people ingest unknowingly such as pesticides on fruit or even metallic content present on food due to faulty cooking and handling. Once glutathione binds to these toxins, it changes their makeup rendering them water-soluble, allowing the body to excrete it.

Asparagus is not merely healthy otherwise not many people would eat it regularly. Its popularity stems from its delicious taste which really comes out when paired with scallop.

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