

[DM] DMARN0907
[Copyright] sbsinc
[FileSize] 20M
[language] English
[Publish] 200907
Magazine Profiles:

Summertime is finally here and people are taken advantage of the season’s offerings. As the weather heats up, people’s daily routines begin to change. Summertime triggers a shift from hectic workdays, reduced sleep, and rushed meals to lazy afternoons, long weekends spent with family and friends, and slower more enjoyable meals. But it is not just the pace of the meals that changes, it’s also the food itself. As the temperature warms up, people become much more interested in dining on lighter, healthier food options. They are more interested in eating locally grown produce and ready to see and experiment with new dishes restaurants are offering. So, summertime is the perfect time for restaurants to show off the culinary delights possible with warm weather foods. Make your restaurant’s summer menu stand out from the other restaurants’ in your area with the different Asian salad recipes listed below. Now is the time to experiment with exotic Papaya, Star fruit, and different chilies. Keep your customers coming back all summer long for the unique tastes of Asia’s lighter fare.

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